Interest accrued during the period of bonds investment and the difference between the amount of principal and interest received on bonds sold and their book cost and interest accrued but not yet received shall be accounted for as current profit and loss. 债券投资存续期内的应计利息,以及出售时收回的本息与债券帐面成本及尚未收回应计利息的差额,应当计入当期损益。
It is you every months namely the principal and interest of reimbursement is equal. 即是您每月还款的本息都是相等的。
With the consent of the lender, the borrowers may repay the principal and interest of the loans ahead of schedule. 经贷款人同意,借款人可提前归还贷款本息。
Mortgage loans and securities usually have level payments of principal and interest. 抵押贷款和证券通常用平均摊销的方法支付本金和利息。
Loss: principal and interest of loans cannot be recovered or only a small portion can be recovered after taking all possible measures and resorting to necessary legal procedures. 损失:在采取所有可能的措施或一切必要的法律程序之后,本息仍然无法收回,或只能收回极少部分。
To repay a mortgage with regular payments that cover both principal and interest. 偿还按揭贷款定期付款金额,既包括本金和利息。
"Concerned": even though a borrower can repay the principal and interest of the loan now, there are some factors which may negatively affect the repayment thereof. 关注:尽管借款人目前有能力偿还贷款本息,但存在一些可能对偿还产生不利影响的因素。
"Doubtful": a borrower can not pay the principal and interest of the loan in full, even though the guarantee is implemented, great losses will still be caused. 可疑:借款人无法足额偿还贷款本息,即使执行担保,也肯定要造成较大损失。
You deposit your money and the return of principal and interest is guaranteed. 你把钱存入银行,你将被担保返还本金和利息。
If a borrower cannot repay the guaranteed loan on time, the commercial bank which issues the loan has the right to ask the guarantor to repay the principal and interest of the loan or enjoy the priority of repayment by security in accordance with law. 借款人到期不归还担保贷款的,商业银行依法享有要求保证人归还贷款本金和利息或者就该担保物优先受偿的权利。
Punctual payment of the principal and interest on all bonds,~ s, and securities may be enforced. 一切债券、信用债券、票据和证券的本金和利息会予以立即支付。
Have opened personal settlement account in ICBC and agree that bank can deduct the principal and interest of loan from the specified personal settlement account. 在中国农业银行开立个人结算账户,并同意银行从其指定的个人结算账户扣收贷款本息。
Payments usually contain principal and interest that does not change during the life of the annuity. 付款金额通常包含本金和利息,该值在年金的有效期限内都不会改变。
Factors giving security to principal and interest are considered adequate, but elements may be present which suggest a susceptibility to impairment some time in the future. 评为A级的债券,具有多项有利于投资的性质,被认定为中上水准的债券,有足够的因素可保障本金与利息,但亦有因素显示,在未来时间可能遭受损害。
The higher the ratio is, the higher the strain of paying principal and interest is, and the higher the risk of solvency is. 负债比率越高,偿还债务本息的压力越大,偿债能力上的风险也就越大。
So in the initial operational stage, companies could not repay principal and interest, and additional investment and subsidies are required from shareholders. 运营初期,公司往往不能达到还本付息要求,需要股东追加投资或补贴还款。
They expect the corporations to pay principal and interest in good time. 他们期望公司能够及时地偿还本金和利息。
Commercial banks are protected by law in duly recovery of principal and interest of the loans they extended. 商业银行依法向借款人收回到期贷款的本金和利息,受法律保护。
Monthly principal and interest payment based on your original mortgage amount, term and interest rate. 根据贷款总额,年期与利率计算出的每月本金和利息付款。
The bank delays or refuses to pay the principal and interest of the deposits without any reasons; 无故拖延、拒绝支付存款本金和利息的;
Further, unauthorized fundraisings publicized by various promotions, including through the media and that promises the return of both the principal and interest, will be regarded as crimes. 此外,未经许可,通过包括传媒在内等多种推介手段吸收公众存款,期满后本息并还等行为也将以犯罪来对待。
So long as banks pay back the principal and interest at maturity, typically a year or less, it will be easy for them to continue selling new investment products, he added. 他补充说,只要银行在到期时(通常是一年或不到一年)付清本息,它们就能轻易获准销售新的投资产品。
After paying off the principal and interest that month, can repay ahead of schedule part or full loan. 在还清当月的本息后,可提前偿还部分或全部贷款。
Note: revenue in this table exclude the foreign and domestic debts revenue, expenditure exclude payment for the principal and interest of foreign and domesticebts and expenditure for capital construction which is financed by foreign debts. 注:本表收入中不包括国内外债务收入,支出中不包括国内外债务还本付息支出和用国外借款安排的基本建设支出。
Debt financing is one of the important ways of financing, it has a certain period expires, and financing provisions must pay principal and interest. 内容主要说明:负债筹资是企业筹资的重要方式之一,它具有一定的筹资期限,并且规定到期时必须支付本金和利息。
This application calculates payments toward principal and interest for a long, given user-entered interest rate, loan term, and original principal amount. 这个应用程序能用来为一个长的,给定用户输入的利率,贷款项目以及原始本金数量,根据本金和利息计算付款。
A reverse mortgage is analogous to an annuity where the principal and interest are paid with homeowner's equity. 逆按揭类似于年金的本金和利息的支付与房主的股权。
When loan student transfer, must pay off the loan principal and interest that is in former agency bank first, place school just can deal with transfer formalities for its. 借款学生转学时,必须先还清在原经办银行的贷款本息,所在学校方可为其办理转学手续。
You should repay the principal and interest. 你应该偿还本金和利息。
The high quality of Hong Kong residential mortgages, coupled with the HKMC guarantee for the timely pass-through of all principal and interest due on the bonds, serves to make the HKMC MBS a safe and attractive investment for investors. 香港住宅按揭素质一向良好,加上按揭证券公司担保依期付还按揭证券的本金和利息,使按揭证券公司发行的按揭证券成为一项既安全又极具吸引力的投资。